Ridley Mascot

Respecting Our History While Rewriting Our Future

Our Mission

As members of the Ridley community, we believe it is time to seek change in the name and symbols that represent our township’s schools. The symbol of the Native American and the usage of the “Raider” name are no longer acceptable by today’s societal standards.

Associating the word raider with Native Americans is not only offensive but entirely inaccurate when applied to the peaceful Leni Lenape tribe who the Raider name was supposed to honor. The definition of a raider is “a person who attacks an enemy in the enemy's territory; a marauder”. Calling Native Americans “raiders” would be historically incorrect as Native Americans were the ones attacked on their own land by Europeans. It is not beneficial to the Native American community nor our community to keep a name and symbol that does not accurately represent the Ridley community or the tribe that once settled here.

The Ridley school district is a predominately white school with extremely low Native American enrollment. Native Americans are one of the smallest minorities in our community and to represent a culture that is not our own is in poor taste especially knowing their expressed opposition. It is irresponsible to stay quiet and not take appropriate action while our neighboring district of the same name and symbols are acting on the call for change.

Not only do we want this hateful image removed, we will also be working to increase respect and appreciation for the Native American population. Specifically, we will push for the district to acknowledge Indigenous People’s Day in lieu of Columbus Day. Our ultimate goal is to speak to the school board and administrators about a definitive plan to resolve these issues in our schools and community.

Imagine The Possibilities

Because Ridley pride is bigger than a mascot.

While we understand that rebranding the district is a community effort, we would like to share with you a one possibility, The Ridley Raptors.

But this isn't all that's possible. The future our community is as vast and bright as our imaginations. If we keep dreaming, who knows what we'll conjure up.

How You Can Help

We strive to promote an equal and just setting for all students to learn in the Ridley School District. Our work is centered in the community, and we want to enforce Ridley’s promise “to create a caring environment”. We as a group encourage conversation, growth, and open mindedness on all of our platforms, so that we can all learn together. We hope that in the end, Ridley’s schools are environments that promote equal opportunity for native and non-native persons alike.

In order for us to achieve our goals, we need your help. Please sign the petitions below, and remember, every signature counts.

Stay Connected

Below are our social media profiles, as well as our official email.

We are also creating a group me chat for members of our community who want to be more involved in our cause. To join, download the app, and please contact us with your phone number. We will not distribute personal information.

( Made with Carrd )